We have been successful in developing and implementing public relations programs for local, regional and national companies. These efforts have resulted in hundreds of millions of publicity impressions on national and local television, radio and in the print media in the form of news and feature stories highlighting our clients.

Below are just a few samples of our public relations success stories. If you would like to see more client news reels, please contact us.
When renound international humanitarian worker, Fred Cuny, went missing during the war in Chechnya his friends and family contacted John Snyder to help publicize his dissapearance in an effort to get the U.S. Government involved in the search for him. Cuny was in Chechnya doing a needs assessment for humanitarian aide. Snyder arranged several new conferences and booked Fred's brother, Chris Cuny on numerous news programs, such as the CBS Morning News and Good Morning America. It was later discovered that Fred Cuny had been executed by Chechen leaders. His remains were never recovered.
John Snyder sold the rights to FAMILY CIRCLE MAGAZINE to do a nine page condensed version of the book.
Public Relations
We helped United Plastics Corporation shout about how quiet their products are ...
To pre-empt McDonald's plans for an Earth Month tree seedling giveaway in the Baltimore, MD-Washington, DC Area, Hardee's called upon The Snyder Group, their agency for eight and one half years, to develop a tree giveaway promotion that would overshadow McDonald's. This eleventh hour request allowed us only three weeks to develop and implement the plan. McDonald's had been planning their promotion for months.

Using contacts in the governor's office and the Maryland Legislature, John Snyder secured Hardee's as the exclusive sponsor of Maryland's Tree-Mendous Program, an effort to plant one million trees during the month of April. Hardee's provided 300,000 pine seedlings to the state, distributing 100,000 through their restaurants. The remainder were distributed throughout the state at organized community plantings.

Within days, The Snyder Group produced full color displays and informational literature which was distributed to 193 Hardee's in Maryland, transforming them into official information centers for the Tree-Mendous Program. A major press conference about the event was held in the state capital in Annapolis, MD, which involved the govenor, president of the senate and the speaker of the house. Hardee's employees delivered pine seedlings to each of the Maryland Legislator's offices.

On-air tree giveaways were arranged with numerous radio stations. Public service announcements about the program were aired on radio and television. The press conference, organized tree plantings and other activities received ample radio, television and newspaper coverage.

The results? One million trees were planted during the month of April and Hardee's received 21,252,452 publicity impressions. This overshadowed McDonald's program which received 515,485 publicity impressions. Mission accomplished! The project was awarded the Best in Maryland Award by the Public Relations Society of America, and the Award of Excellence from the International Association of Business Communicators.
We helped a small pizza company spice up sales ...
The Better Home Heat Council, a group of oil heat dealers in the Mid-Atlantic Region, enlisted The Snyder Group as an ally to help them fight The Cold War. The battle was over market share of heating fuels. The objective? To change the negative public opinion of oil heat being dirty and antiquated - and to tout its benefits over gas and electric.

It was difficult to launch a counter attack against the heavy artillary launched by the big-budget, monopolistic utilities. But using a strategic battle plan employing television and radio talk shows, op-ed newspaper features, as well as the electronic and print media, we were successful in inflicting casualties on the enemy, and exposing millions to the benefits if oil heat. Market share increased, and the public's opinion of oil heat was improved.

For six years, The Snyder Group promoted the Maryland Seafood Festival and Chesapeake Appreciation Days, two of the largest on-the-beach water festivals in the United States. Our efforts resulted in new attendance records for both events as the festivals received extensive national and local media coverage.

Appearances were booked on radio and television talk shows to relay information about the events, to address environmental issues of the Cheasapeake Bay, as well as, the economic impact of the seafood industry on Maryland's economy. We even arranged to have the events plugged on the NBC Today Show. The regional media was saturated with publicity about these two bay happenings. Public service announcements aired on radio and television. Radio stations ran on-air promotions giving away festival tickets and t-shirts. Over 20 million people were reached with publicity and information about these events every year ... and not one dollar of advertising was spent!

On site, we facilitated complete and smooth media coverage of the events - from the air by using a helicopter, on land by providing golf carts for television crews to easily get around, and from the water by providing press boats. John Snyder received praise from the working press for facilitating ease in covering the events. A reporter covering Chesapeake Appreciation Days for WJLA-TV 7 in Washington, DC wrote in an unsolicited letter ... "I am rarely compelled to write any public relations firm, but yours is an extraordinary exception. You ran the most professional and helpful media operation I've ever encountered ..."

The public relations successes also caught the attention of our peers, as our work on behalf of the Maryland Seafood Festival was recognized by the Washington DC Chapter of The Public Relations Society of America. The group awarded The Snyder Group with its coveted THOTH Award for excellence in public relations.
There is an old saying ... "When life gives you lemons ... make lemonade." The Snyder Group successfully squeezed some sweet nectar from what have been a sour experience. When Hardee's NASCAR driver, Cale Yarborough, crashed while attempting to qualifying for the Daytona 500, their hopes of victory were dashed. John Snyder saw past the adversity to an opportunity on the horizon, a public service announcement for seat belt awareness. Snyder got the Maryland State police and Maryland's Emergency Medical Services on board to help with the projects. The Maryland State Troopers delivered the PSA to television stations around the state. It was later adapted for other states to use. The spot was used for several years, giving Hardee's millions of publicity impressions.
When new bottled water regulations were announced The Snyder Group pitched the media to use it's client, Snow Valley Mountain Spring Water, as the authority for the new regs.
Several years before, John Snyder wrote The Golden Ring - A Christmas Story. This best selling Christmas book was published in three editions, including a German edition in Germany. John utilized his public relations skills to promote the book in the local, regional and national media. Family Circle Magazine purchased the subsidiary rights and published a 9-page condenced version of the book which was enjoyed by more than five million suscribers. Snyder also received dozens of feature magazine and newspaper stories and appeared on network radio and TV.

The Washington Times said, ""The Golden Ring is destined to become a classic that will be read by everyone who wants to get closer to the essence of Christmas."
Click this link to see Winston-Salem Journal newspaper article ...
WGHP FOX 8 TV: Winston-Salem, NC
Hardee's Tree-Mendous Program: Video Summary
Baltimore, MD Television Coverage (Channels 2, 11 & 13)
WTTG-TV 5 Panorama Show - Washington, DC (Maryland Seafood Festival)
WJZ-TV 13 News - Baltimore, MD (Maryland Seafod Festival)
WBAL-TV 11 News - Baltimore, MD
WUSA - TV 9 News - Washington, DC
CBS Morning News (Network)
To learn more about The Golden Ring and John Snyder visit www.JohnSnyder.net
To see more samples of publicity for The Golden Ring, CLICK HERE!
WJZ-TV 13 - Baltimore, MD
This is just one of many TV interviews
The Problem? ... How does the marketing message of a small, local pizza chain with a limited promotional budget get heard over the thunderous advertising of national chains like Domino's and Pizza Hut?

Pizza Express found the solution to this problem when it called John Snyder. The Snyder Group designed a public relations event called The Great Coupon CAN-Paign in which free toppings on pizzas were offered to customers in exchange for cans of food that Pizza Express donated to the Salvation Army Food Bank.

To kick off the CAN-Paign, The Snyder Group developed a direct mail piece and arranged a media event. Pizza's were made and delivered to the homeless on the streets of Baltimore using the Salvation Army's mobile soup kitchen. Pizzas were also delivered to over one thousand people at homeless shelters. This offered a tasty diversion from their traditional meals and a great photo opportunity for the media. News releases were attached to the box tops of pizzas and delivered to the media ... pizzas included!

The Results? All three Baltimore television stations aired news stories about the Pizza Express CAN-Paign on the 6:00pm and 11:00pm news telecasts. The promotion received coverage in the Baltimore Sun and on several Baltimore radio stations. Most significantly, awareness of Pizza Express increased dramatically, as did sales during the promotion - by 42%. Problem solved!
We helped Hardee's make McDonald's see green ...
Sometimes we tell fish stories ...
We even helped a client fight the cold war ...
Water-Water ... Everywhere!
And ... when poor water quality in Washington, DC was an issue, John Snyder made sure his client was in the forefront as he pitched a story idea about the increase in bottled water sales as a result.
WNBC - TV 4 News - Washington, DC
And ... we've even been involved in foreign affairs ...
When life gives you lemons ... make lemonade!
And ... We've helped tell Christmas stories ...
In 2018, John Snyder signed his second book contract with a major publisher when Hachette Book Group/FaithWords' beat out one of their competitors. Jacob's Bell: A Christmas Story is available, nationwide, in bookstores and online as a hardcover book, ebook and audiobook (CD & MP3 formats).
Live Interview on WXII-TV 12 (NBC)
Winston-Salem/Greensboro, North Carolina Area
357 Cornwallis Drive • Mocksville, NC 27028 336.769.8855
WMA-TV 2 News - Baltimore, MD (Chesapeake Appreciation Days)
JOHN SNYDER, Special correspondent May 8, 2011
United Plastics Corporation has evolved over the years
John Snyder arranged and wrote this feature article for the business section of the Winston-Salem Journal.
FOX TV 8 - Winston-Salem, NC
This is just one of many TV interviews
Original Collector's Edition
Warner Books Edition
German Edition
To learn more about Jacob's Bell and see some more samples of publicity we generated CLICK HERE.
Let us put our award-winning skills to work for you!

© 2011 to Present by The Snyder Group
Website Design by The Snyder Group
357 CORNWALLIS DRIVE  |  MOCKSVILLE, NC 27028  |  336.769.8855